Therapeutic lenses are special lenses that shift or filter light as it enters the brain through the eyes.

Optometric Vision Therapy is a safe, drug-free series of lessons conducted under the supervision of a Developmental/Neuro-Optometrist by an experienced Vision Therapist to teach a person how to use their eyes in the most quick, efficient, comfortable, and automatic way possible.

Syntonic phototherapy, the practice of using certain wavelengths (colors) of light to balance the brain and body, has been around since before the ancient Greeks.

The Sensory Learning Program is an approach to developmental learning that unites fourmodalities (auditory, visual, proprioceptive, and vestibular) into one 30-day drug-freeintervention to improve attention, perception, understanding and the ability to learn.

Low Level Light Therapy is the application of red and infrared light on the surface of the head or body to improve function of structures just below the surface.
Low Level Light Therapy (LLLT)

Structural Energetic Therapy® is a manual therapy that provides alignment of the entire body to ensure the best possible rehabilitation of the physical conditions that cause you pain, discoordination, and disequilibrium.

The IonCleanse’s proprietary and patented technology results in infusing the footbath water with electrically charged ions. These ions help to attract and neutralize oppositely charged toxins from the body and pulls them out into the water and away from the body.

Tania Morris specializes in natural health consultations and iridology to uncover the root causes of health challenges. She focuses on reducing toxins, inflammation, and fatigue while enhancing energy and systemic health. With personalized wellness plans, Tania helps you achieve balance and optimal vitality.